Source code for

import logging
import os
import random
import re
if 'LOBSTER_SKIP_HADOOP' not in os.environ:
    import snakebite.client
    import snakebite.errors
import subprocess
import xml.dom.minidom

from contextlib import contextmanager
from lobster.util import Configurable

import Chirp as chirp

logger = logging.getLogger('')

# Breaks a URL down into 3 parts: the protocol, a optional server, and
# the path
url_re = re.compile(r'^([a-z]+)://([^/]*)(.*)/?$')

class FileSystem(object):

    """Singleton class as an interface for filesystem interactions.

    Needs to be configured before first use, with two lists of
    `StorageElement` implementations.  See the documentation of
    ``configure()`` for details.

    _defaults = []
    _alternatives = []

    def __init__(self):
        self.__file__ = __file__
        self.__name__ = 'fs'

    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        if attr in self.__dict__:
            return self.__dict__[attr]

        def switch(*args, **kwargs):
            logger.debug("resolving file system method '{0}' with arguments {1!r}, {2!r}".format(attr, args, kwargs))
            lasterror = None
            for imp in FileSystem._defaults:
                    return imp.fixresult(getattr(imp, attr)(*map(imp.lfn2pfn, args), **kwargs))
                except imp.errors as e:
                        "method {0} of {1} failed with {2}, using args {3}, {4}".format(attr, imp, e, args, kwargs))
                    lasterror = e
                except TypeError as e:
                    logger.error("binding received an unexpected type; method {0} of {1} failed with {2}, using "
                                 "args {3}, {4}".format(attr, imp, e, args, kwargs))
                    lasterror = e
            raise AttributeError(
                "no resolution found for method '{0}' with arguments '{1}': {2}".format(attr, args, lasterror))
        return switch

    def lfn2pfn(self, lfn, instance):
        for imp in FileSystem._defaults:
            if isinstance(imp, instance):
                return imp.lfn2pfn(lfn)

    def configure(cls, defaults, alternatives):
        """Configure the filesystem access methods.

            defaults : list
                List of :class:`StorageElement` implementations.  These
                methods will be used in order by default to perform file
                system interactions.
            alternatives : list
                As `defaults`, specifies methods to perform file system
                interactions.  These methods are only active within the
                context of ``fs.alternative()``.
        cls._defaults = defaults
        cls._alternatives = alternatives

    def alternative(self):
        tmp = FileSystem._defaults
        FileSystem._defaults = FileSystem._alternatives
            FileSystem._defaults = tmp

class StorageElement(object):

    """Storage Element base class.

    Provides some basic handling of relative paths.  To be subclassed by

    def __init__(self, pfnprefix):
        """Baseclass of a storage element.

        pfnprefix : string
            The path prefix under which relative file names can be
        self._pfnprefix = pfnprefix
        if not self._pfnprefix.endswith('/'):
            self._pfnprefix += '/'

    def errors(self):
        return (IOError, OSError)

    def lfn2pfn(self, path):
        if path.startswith('/'):
            p = os.path.join(self._pfnprefix, path[1:])
            p = os.path.join(self._pfnprefix, path)
        m = url_re.match(p)
        if m:
            protocol, server, path = url_re.match(p).groups()
            path = os.path.normpath(path)
            return "{0}://{1}{2}/".format(protocol, server, path)
        return os.path.normpath(p)

    def fixresult(self, res):
        def pfn2lfn(p):
            return p.replace(self._pfnprefix, '', 1)

        if isinstance(res, basestring):
            return pfn2lfn(res)

            return map(pfn2lfn, res)
        except TypeError:
            return res

    def makedirs(self, path):
        if re.match(r'^..(?:/..)*$', path):
            if len(path) > 2 + 100 * 3:
                # fail for excessive path recursion
                raise NotImplementedError
            parent = os.path.join(path, '..')
        elif path == '':
            parent = '..'
            parent = os.path.dirname(path)
        if not self.exists(parent):
        if self.exists(path):
        mode = self.permissions(parent)
        self.mkdir(path, mode=mode)

class Local(StorageElement):

    def __init__(self, pfnprefix=''):
        super(Local, self).__init__(pfnprefix)
        self.exists = os.path.exists
        self.getsize = os.path.getsize
        self.isdir = self._guard(os.path.isdir)
        self.isfile = self._guard(os.path.isfile)

    def _guard(self, method):
        """Protect method against non-existent paths.
        def guarded(path):
            if not os.path.exists(path):
                raise IOError("path does not exist: {0}".format(path))
            return method(path)
        return guarded

    def ls(self, path):
        for fn in os.listdir(path):
            yield os.path.join(path, fn)

    def mkdir(self, path, mode=None):
        if mode:
            os.chmod(path, mode)

    def permissions(self, path):
        return os.stat(path).st_mode & 0777

    def remove(self, *paths):
        for path in paths:
            except OSError:

class Hadoop(StorageElement):

    def __init__(self, host, port, pfnprefix='/hadoop'):
        super(Hadoop, self).__init__(pfnprefix)
        self.__c = snakebite.client.Client(host, int(port))

    def errors(self):
        return (Exception,)

    def exists(self, path):
            return True
        except snakebite.errors.FileNotFoundException:
            return False

    def getsize(self, path):
        return self.__c.stat([path])['blocksize']

    def isdir(self, path):
        return self.__c.stat([path])['file_type'] == 'd'

    def isfile(self, path):
        return self.__c.stat([path])['file_type'] == 'f'

    def ls(self, path):
        for data in[path]):
            yield data['path']

    def mkdir(self, path, mode):
        for data in self.__c.mkdir([path], mode=mode):

    def permissions(self, path):
        return self.__c.stat([path])['permission']

    def remove(self, *paths):
        """Remove paths.

        First try passing the entire list of paths to be removed. This
        approach is almost instantaneous, but fails if any of the paths
        do not exist. In that case, we try again, one by one. This takes
        tens of milliseconds per path, but ensures that any paths that
        do exist are removed.

            for data in self.__c.delete(list(paths)):
        except snakebite.errors.FileNotFoundException:
            for path in paths:
                except snakebite.errors.FileNotFoundException:

class Chirp(StorageElement):

    def __init__(self, server, pfnprefix):
        super(Chirp, self).__init__(pfnprefix)

        self.__c = chirp.Client(server, timeout=10)

    def exists(self, path):
            return True
        except IOError:
            return False

    def getsize(self, path):
        return self.__c.stat(str(path)).size

    def isdir(self, path):
        return len( > 0

    def isfile(self, path):
        return len( == 0

    def ls(self, path):
        for f in
            if f.path not in ('.', '..'):
                yield os.path.join(path, f.path)

    def mkdir(self, path, mode=None):
        if mode:
            self.__c.chmod(str(path), mode)

    def permissions(self, path):
        return self.__c.stat(str(path)).mode & 0777

    def remove(self, *paths):
        for path in paths:

class SRM(StorageElement):

    def __init__(self, pfnprefix):
        super(SRM, self).__init__(pfnprefix)

    def execute(self, cmd, *paths, **kwargs):
        cmds = cmd.split()
        args = ['gfal-' + cmds[0]] + cmds[1:] + list(paths)
            p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env={})
            pout, err = p.communicate()
            if p.returncode != 0 and not kwargs.get('safe', False):
                msg = "Failed to execute '{0}':\n{1}\n{2}".format(' '.join(args), err, pout)
                raise IOError(msg)
        except OSError:
            raise AttributeError("srm utilities not available")
        return pout

    def exists(self, path):
            self.execute('stat', path)
            return True
        except Exception:
            return False

    def getsize(self, path):
        output = self.execute('stat', path)
        return output.splitlines()[1].split()[1]

    def isdir(self, path):
            output = self.execute('stat', path)
            return 'directory' in output.splitlines()[1]
        except Exception:
            return False

    def isfile(self, path):
            output = self.execute('stat', path)
            return 'regular file' in output.splitlines()[1]
        except Exception:
            return False

    def ls(self, path):
        for p in self.execute('ls', path).splitlines():
            yield os.path.join(path, p)

    def mkdir(self, path, mode=None):
        self.execute('mkdir -p', path)

    def permissions(self, path):
        output = self.execute('stat', path)
            return int(output.splitlines()[2][9:13], 8)
        except IndexError:
            raise IOError

    def remove(self, *paths):
        while len(paths) != 0:
            # FIXME safe is active because SRM does not care about directories.
            self.execute('rm -r', *(paths[:50]), safe=True)
            paths = paths[50:]

class XrootD(StorageElement):

    def __init__(self, pfnprefix):
        super(XrootD, self).__init__(pfnprefix)

    def execute(self, cmd, *paths, **kwargs):
        cmds = cmd.split()

        output = []
        for path in paths:
            # Break the path into server and directory
            protocol, server, path = url_re.match(path).groups()
            args = ['xrdfs', server] + cmds + [path]
                p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env={})
                pout, err = p.communicate()
                if p.returncode != 0 and not kwargs.get('safe', False):
                    msg = "Failed to execute '{0}':\n{1}\n{2}".format(' '.join(args), err, pout)
                    raise IOError(msg)
            except OSError:
                raise AttributeError("xrd utilities not available")
        return '/n'.join(output)

    def exists(self, path):
            self.execute('stat', path)
            return True
        except Exception:
            return False

    def getsize(self, path):
        output = self.execute('stat', path)
        for line in output.splitlines():
            field, value = line.split(':')
            if field == 'Size':
                return value.strip()
        # Shouldn't get here unless we don't find the size.  Raise an exception
        msg = 'xrdfs stat did not return file size.  Command output:\n{}'.format(output)
        raise AttributeError(msg)

    def isdir(self, path):
            output = self.execute('stat', path)
            for line in output.splitlines():
                field, value = line.split(':', 1)
                if field == 'Flags':
                    # Do some silly stuff to get the flags...
                    flags = value.split()[-1].strip('()').split('|')
                    return 'IsDir' in flags

            # If we got here, never found any mention of flags, just say false.
            return False
        except Exception:
            return False

    def isfile(self, path):
            output = self.execute('stat', path)
            for line in output.splitlines():
                field, value = line.split(':', 1)
                if field == 'Flags':
                    # Do some silly stuff to get the flags...
                    flags = value.split()[-1].strip('()').split('|')
                    return 'IsDir' not in flags

            # If we got here, never found any mention of flags, just say false.
            return False
        except Exception:
            return False

    def ls(self, path):
        protocol, server, _ = url_re.match(path).groups()
        for p in self.execute('ls', path).splitlines():
            # We need to add the protocol back so that `lfn2pfn` above
            # can recognize and remove just the pfnprefix.
            yield "{0}://{1}{2}".format(protocol, server, p)

    def mkdir(self, path, mode=None):
        self.execute('mkdir -p', path)

    def remove(self, *paths):
        # It doesn't seem like Xrdfs supports either recursive or batch removal, so let's do it one at a time.
        for path in paths:
            if self.isdir(path):
                for dirpath in
                    self.remove(dirpath)  # Recursive because the directory might contain directories
                self.execute('rmdir', path)
                self.execute('rm', path)

[docs]class StorageConfiguration(Configurable): """ Container for storage element configuration. Uses URLs of the form `{protocol}://{server}/{path}` to specify input and output locations, where the `server` is omitted for `file` and `hadoop` access. All output URLs should point to the same physical storage, to ensure consistent data handling. Storage elements within CMS, as in `T2_CH_CERN` will be expanded for the `srm` and `root` protocol. Protocols supported: * `file` * `gsiftp` * `hadoop` * `chirp` * `srm` * `root` The `chirp` protocol requires an instance of a `Chirp` server. Attributes modifiable at runtime: * `input` * `output` Parameters ---------- output : list A list of URLs to access output storage input : list A list of URLs to access input data use_work_queue_for_inputs : bool Use `WorkQueue` to transfer input data. Will encur a severe running penalty when used. use_work_queue_for_outputs : bool Use `WorkQueue` to transfer output data. Will encur a severe running penalty when used. shuffle_inputs : bool Shuffle the list of input URLs when passing them to the task. Will provide basic load-distribution. shuffle_outputs : bool Shuffle the list of output URLs when passing them to the task. Will provide basic load-distribution. disable_input_streaming : bool Turn of streaming input data via, e.g., `XrootD`. disable_stage_in_acceleration : bool By default, tasks with many input files will test input URLs for the first successful one, which will then be used to access the remaining input files. By using this setting, all input URLs will be attempted for all input files. """ _mutable = { 'input': ('', [], False), 'output': ('', [], False) } # Map protocol shorthands to actual protocol names __protocols = { 'gsiftp': 'gsiftp', 'srm': 'srmv2', 'root': 'xrootd' } # Matches CMS tiered computing site as found in # /cvmfs/ __site_re = re.compile(r'^T[0123]_(?:[A-Z]{2}_)?[A-Za-z0-9_\-]+$') def __init__(self, output, input=None, use_work_queue_for_inputs=False, use_work_queue_for_outputs=False, shuffle_inputs=False, shuffle_outputs=False, disable_input_streaming=False, disable_stage_in_acceleration=False): if input is None: self.input = [] else: self.input = [ self.expand_site(os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(i))) for i in input] self.output = [self.expand_site(os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(o))) for o in output] self.use_work_queue_for_inputs = use_work_queue_for_inputs self.use_work_queue_for_outputs = use_work_queue_for_outputs self.shuffle_inputs = shuffle_inputs self.shuffle_outputs = shuffle_outputs self.disable_input_streaming = disable_input_streaming self.disable_stage_in_acceleration = disable_stage_in_acceleration logger.debug("using input location {0}".format(self.input)) logger.debug("using output location {0}".format(self.output)) def _find_match(self, protocol, site, path): """Extracts the LFN to PFN translation from the SITECONF. >>> StorageConfiguration({})._find_match('xrootd', 'T3_US_NotreDame', '/store/user/spam/ham/eggs') (u'/+store/(.*)', u'root://\\\\1') """ file = os.path.join('/cvmfs/', site, 'PhEDEx/storage.xml') doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(file) for e in doc.getElementsByTagName("lfn-to-pfn"): if e.attributes["protocol"].value != protocol: continue if 'destination-match' in e.attributes.keys() and \ not re.match(e.attributes['destination-match'].value, site): continue if path and len(path) > 0 and \ 'path-match' in e.attributes.keys() and \ re.match(e.attributes['path-match'].value, path) is None: continue return e.attributes["path-match"].value, e.attributes["result"].value.replace('$1', r'\1') raise AttributeError( "No match found for protocol {0} at site {1}, using {2}".format(protocol, site, path)) def expand_site(self, url): """Expands a CMS site label in a url to the corresponding server. >>> StorageConfiguration({}).expand_site('root://T3_US_NotreDame/store/user/spam/ham/eggs') u'root://' """ protocol, server, path = url_re.match(url).groups() if self.__site_re.match(server) and protocol in self.__protocols: regexp, result = self._find_match(self.__protocols[protocol], server, path) return re.sub(regexp, result, path) if path.endswith('/'): path = path[:-1] return "{0}://{1}{2}/".format(protocol, server, path) def transfer_inputs(self): """Indicates whether input files need to be transferred manually. """ return self.use_work_queue_for_inputs def transfer_outputs(self): """Indicates whether output files need to be transferred manually. """ return self.use_work_queue_for_outputs def local(self, filename): for url in self.input + self.output: protocol, server, path = url_re.match(url).groups() if protocol != 'file': continue fn = os.path.join(path, filename) if os.path.isfile(fn): return fn raise IOError("Can't create LFN without local storage access") def _initialize(self, methods, failures): for url in methods: protocol, server, path = url_re.match(url).groups() if protocol == 'chirp': try: yield Chirp(server, path) except chirp.AuthenticationFailure: if failures: raise AttributeError("cannot access chirp server") elif protocol == 'file': yield Local(path) elif protocol == 'hdfs': host, port = server.split(':') yield Hadoop(host, port, path) elif protocol == 'srm': yield SRM(url) elif protocol == 'root': yield XrootD(url) else: logger.debug("implementation of master access missing for URL {0}".format(url)) def activate(self, failures=True): """Sets file system access methods. Replaces default file system access methods with the ones specified per configuration for input and output storage element access. """ FileSystem.configure( list(self._initialize(self.output, failures)), list(self._initialize(self.input, failures)) ) def preprocess(self, parameters, merge): """Adjust the storage transfer parameters sent with a task. Parameters ---------- parameters : dict The task parameters to alter. This method will add keys 'input', 'output', and 'disable streaming'. merge : bool Specify if this is a merging parameter set. """ if self.shuffle_inputs: random.shuffle(self.input) if self.shuffle_outputs or (self.shuffle_inputs and merge): random.shuffle(self.output) parameters['input'] = self.input if not merge else self.output parameters['output'] = self.output parameters['disable streaming'] = self.disable_input_streaming if not self.disable_stage_in_acceleration: parameters['accelerate stage-in'] = 3