

These steps should always be performed in a valid CMSSW environment (after executing cmsenv), and with the virtualenv activated!

After configuring Lobster, and ensuring that both the CMSSW environment and the virtualenv are loaded, the project can be processed.

Basic procedure

This is the most basic usage of Lobster. For more information about the commands, use lobster -h and lobster <cmd> -h.

  1. Obtain a valid proxy:

    voms-proxy-init -voms cms -valid 192:00
  2. Start Lobster:

    lobster process
  3. Submit workers, see also Submitting workers:

    condor_submit_workers -N lobster_$label --cores $cores \
        --memory $(($cores * 1100)) --disk $(($cores * 4500)) 10
  4. Follow the log output in the working directory of the Config. Log output can be found in process.log, and the error output in process.err:

    tail -f /my/working/directory/process.{err,log}

Additional useful commands

  • Print the configuration of a working directory:

    lobster configuration /my/working/directory

    And to change the configuration:

    lobster configuration /my/working/directory

    See also Changing configuration options.

  • Print the current status of processing on the terminal with:

    lobster status /my/working/directory
  • Validate the output directory to catch any stray or missing files:

    lobster validate --dry-run /my/working/directory

    and, after verifying the printout from the above, run it again without the --dry-run argument.

  • Stop a Lobster run cleanly:

    lobster terminate /my/working/directory

    This will give Lobster a chance to gracefully exit, but may take a few minutes to take effect (at least one iteration of sending out and receiving tasks).


    To immediately stop Lobster from running, use:

    kill -9 `cat /my/working/directory/`

    This may result in database corruption, though, and should only be used when the running Lobster project is not to be continued.

Submitting workers

Workers can be either submitted directly, as shown above, or by using the WorkQueue factory, which allows for dynamic scaling of the processing. The factory uses a config written in JSON, like:

    "max-workers": 100,
    "min-workers": 0,
    "cores": 4,
    "memory": 4400,
    "disk": 12000,
    "workers-per-cycle": 50,
    "condor-requirements": "OpSysAndVer == \"RedHat6\""

This configuration sets up 4 core workers providing 4.4 GB of RAM and 12 GB of disk space each. It is included in the examples directory in the Lobster source distribution. The factory can thus be started from within the Lobster source directory with:

nohup work_queue_factory -T condor -M "lobster_$USER.*" -dall -o /tmp/${USER}_factory.debug -C examples/factory.json > /tmp/${USER}_factory.log &

If the log of the factory grows too large, removing the -dall will disable debug output, and considerably lessen disk usage.


At Notre Dame, the following login nodes are connected to the opportunistic resource: crcfe01, crcfe02, and condorfe. The resources have monitoring pages for condor and the external bandwidth, and the squid server.

The opportunistic resources have now largely migrated to RHEL7. While using CMSSW releases that aren’t available in RHEL7, you need to ask Work Queue to run your job using Singularity. This requires a change to the factory invocation as follows:

nohup work_queue_factory -T condor -M "lobster_$USER.*" -d all -o /tmp/${USER}_lobster_factory.debug -C examples/factory_singularity.json --wrapper "python /afs/ rhel6" --extra-options="--workdir=/disk" --worker-binary=/afs/$cctools/bin/work_queue_worker >&! /tmp/${USER}_lobster_factory.log &

Using a Chirp server

Using Chirp for stage-in and stage-out can be helpful when standard CMS tools for file handling, i.e., XrootD and SRM, are not available.

At Notre Dame, a Chirp server is running under Make sure that your output directory can be reached with globus authentication by looking for a line starting with globus: that should match your personal information in:

cat /hadoop/store/user/$USER/.__acl

If this line is not present or the file does not exist, create it with:

echo "globus:`voms-proxy-info -identity|sed 's/ /_/g'` rwlda" >> /hadoop/store/user/$USER/.__acl

Then verify that you can write to your output directory:

chirp mkdir /store/user/$USER/test
chirp rm /store/user/$USER/test/.__acl
chirp rmdir /store/user/$USER/test

After this, the Chirp server can be added to the input and output settings of the configuration, as done in the examples.

Running a separate Chirp server as user

Create a file called acl with default access permissions in, e.g., your home directory via (you will need a valid proxy for this!):

echo "globus:`voms-proxy-info -identity|sed 's/ /_/g'` rwlda" > ~/acl

Then do something akin to the following command:

chirp_server --root=<some_directory> -A ~/acl -p <your_port>

where the default port is 9094, but may be occupied, in which case it should be best to linearly increment this port until you find a free one. The root directory given to the Chirp server can be the desired stage-out location, or any directory above it.


If you are using Chirp to stage out to a server that cannot handle a high load, limit the connections by adding -M 50 to the arguments.

You should test Chirp from another machine:

voms-proxy-init -voms cms -valid 192:00
chirp_put <some_file> <your_server>:<your_port> spam

If this command fails with a permission issue, make sure you do not have any .__acl files lingering around in your stageout directory:

find <your_stageout_directory> -name .__acl -exec rm \{} \;

and try again. Then add the following line to either the input or output argument of the StorageConfiguration:


Using a Hadoop backend

Running Chirp with a direct connection to a Hadoop storage element may increase performance. Setting it up, which can end up quite complex, at Notre Dame would look akin to the following:

cd /var/tmp/
cp -r /usr/lib/hadoop/ .
cp /usr/lib64/libhdfs* hadoop/lib/
env JAVA_HOME=/etc/alternatives/java_sdk/ HADOOP_HOME=$PWD/hadoop chirp_server \
        --root=hdfs://<your_stageout_directory_wo_leading_hadoop> \
        -A ~/acl -p <your_port>

It may be necessary to adjust memory setting of the Java VM with, e.g., the option LIBHDFS_OPTS=-Xmx100m.

Changing configuration options

Lobster copies the initial configuration to its working directory as This configuration can be changed to modify the settings of a running Lobster instance. These changes will be propagated when the configuration is re-read by the Lobster main-loop after saving the file. This may take a few minutes for changes to have an effect, Lobster show logging messages about changes in both the main log and configure.log in the working directory.

Only attributes mentioned as modifiable in the documentation of each class can be changed.

Lobster also provides a configure convenience command to edit the configuration, which will launch an editor to edit the current configuration:

lobster configure /my/working/directory


If one of the services used in the original configuration has changed or become unavailable, executing lobster configure with said configuration may fail. It is recommended to pass the working directory on the command line.


The configure command uses the environment variable EDITOR to determine which editor to use, and uses vi as a default.