

These steps should always be performed in a valid CMSSW environment (after executing cmsenv)! Lobster will need python 2.7 or greater (but not python 3). CMSSW version 8_0_15 or above are recommended to use.


Check you python version after running cmsenv:

$ python -V
Python 2.7.11


  • CClab tools

    Download the most recent version of the cctools from the Notre Dame Cooperative Computing Lab and install them by unpacking the tarball and adding the bin directory to your path:

    export cctools=lobster-160-679ce223-cvmfs-70dfa0d6
    wget -O -${cctools}-x86_64-redhat6.tar.gz
    export PATH=$PWD/${cctools}-x86_64-redhat6/bin:$PATH
    export PYTHONPATH=$PWD/${cctools}-x86_64-redhat6/lib/python2.6/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH


    At Notre Dame, a development version can be accessed via:

    export cctools=lobster-160-679ce223-cvmfs-70dfa0d6
    export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/afs/$cctools/lib/python2.6/site-packages
    export PATH=/afs/$cctools/bin:$PATH

    For tcsh users these lines have to be adapted [1]. You might want to add these lines to the shell startup file.

  • Setuptools

    Install the python package manager pip, if not already present (may also be installed as pip2.7), with:

    wget -O -|python - --user

    This installs pip in your ~/.local directory. In order to access these executables, add them to your path with:

    export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH


It is recommended to use lobster in a virtualenv, which is used to keep all dependencies of lobster within one directory and not interfere with other python packages and their dependencies (e.g. CRAB3):

pip install --user virtualenv
virtualenv --system-site-packages ~/.lobster

And activate the virtualenv. This step has to be done every time lobster is run, to set the right paths for dependencies:

. ~/.lobster/bin/activate

To exit the virtualenv, use:


Installation as package

Install Lobster with:

wget -O -|sh -
pip install

Installation from source

Lobster can also be installed from a local checkout, which will allow for easy modification of the source:

git clone
cd lobster
pip install --upgrade .



tcsh users should use the following to access the cctools development version at Notre Dame:

setenv cctools lobster-160-679ce223-cvmfs-70dfa0d6
setenv PYTHONPATH ${PYTHONPATH}:/afs/$cctools/lib/python2.6/site-packages
setenv PATH /afs/$cctools/bin:${PATH}