Source code for lobster.core.workflow

# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
import imp
import logging
import os
import re
import shlex
import shutil
import sys

from lobster import fs, util
from lobster.core.dataset import EmptyDataset, MultiGridpackDataset, ParentMultiGridpackDataset, MultiProductionDataset, ProductionDataset
from lobster.core.task import MergeTaskHandler, MultiGridpackTaskHandler, MultiProductionTaskHandler, ProductionTaskHandler, TaskHandler
from lobster.util import Configurable

import work_queue as wq

logger = logging.getLogger('lobster.workflow')

[docs]class Category(Configurable): """ Resource specification for one or more :class:`~lobster.core.workflow.Workflow`. This information will be passed on to `WorkQueue`, which will forcibly terminate tasks of :class:`.Workflow` in the group that exceed the specified resources. Attributs modifiable at runtime: * `tasks_min` * `tasks_max` * `runtime` Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the resource group. mode : str Dictates how `WorkQueue` handles exhausted resources. Possible values are: `fixed` (task fails), `max` (the maximum allowed resource consumption is set by the maximum seen in tasks of that category; tasks are automatically adjusted and retried), `min_waste` (same as `max`, but allocations prioritize minimizing waste), or `max_throughput` (same as `max`, but allocations prioritize maximizing throughput.) cores : int The max number of cores required (`fixed` mode), or the first guess for `WorkQueue` to determine the number of cores required (all other modes). memory : int How much memory a task is allowed to use, in megabytes (`fixed` mode), or the starting guess for `WorkQueue` to determine how much memory a task requires (all other modes). disk : int How much disk a task is allowed to use, in megabytes (`fixed` mode), or the starting guess for `WorkQueue` to determine how much disk a task requires (all other modes.) runtime : int The runtime of the task in seconds. Lobster will add a grace period to this time, and try to adjust the task size such that this runtime is achieved. tasks_max : int How many tasks should be in the queue (running or waiting) at the same time. tasks_min : int The minimum of how many tasks should be in the queue (waiting) at the same time. """ _mutable = { 'tasks_max': (None, [], False), 'tasks_min': (None, [], False), 'runtime': ('source.update_runtime', [], True) } def __init__(self, name, mode='max_throughput', cores=None, memory=None, disk=None, runtime=None, tasks_max=None, tasks_min=None ): = name self.cores = cores self.runtime = runtime self.memory = memory self.disk = disk self.tasks_max = tasks_max self.tasks_min = tasks_min modes = { 'fixed': wq.WORK_QUEUE_ALLOCATION_MODE_FIXED, 'max': wq.WORK_QUEUE_ALLOCATION_MODE_MAX, 'min_waste': wq.WORK_QUEUE_ALLOCATION_MODE_MIN_WASTE, 'max_throughput': wq.WORK_QUEUE_ALLOCATION_MODE_MAX_THROUGHPUT } self.mode = modes[mode] def __eq__(self, other): return == def __hash__(self): return hash( def wq(self): res = {} if self.runtime: res['wall_time'] = max(30 * 60, int(1.5 * self.runtime)) * 10 ** 6 if self.memory: res['memory'] = self.memory if self.cores: res['cores'] = self.cores if self.disk: res['disk'] = self.disk return res
[docs]class Workflow(Configurable): """ A specification for processing a dataset. Parameters ---------- label : str The shorthand name of the workflow. This is used as a reference throughout Lobster. dataset : Dataset The specification of data to be processed. Can be any of the dataset related classes. category : Category The category of resource specification this workflow belongs to. publish_label : str The label to be used for the publication database. cleanup_input : bool Delete input files after processing. merge_size : str Activates output file merging when set. Accepts the suffixes *k*, *m*, *g* for kilobyte, megabyte, … sandbox : Sandbox or list of Sandbox The sandbox(es) to use. Currently can be a :class:`~lobster.cmssw.Sandbox`. When multiple sandboxes are used, one sandbox per computing architecture to be run on is expected, containing the same release, and an :class:`ValueError` will be raised otherwise. command : str The command to run when executing the workflow. The command string may contain `@args`, `@outputfiles`, and `@inputfiles`, which will be replaced by unique arguments and output as well as input files, respectively. For running CMSSW workflows, it is sufficient to use:: cmsRun where the file `` will be automatically added to the sandbox and the input source of the parameter set will be modified to use the correct input files. Note that otherwise, any used files will have to be included in `extra_inputs`. extra_inputs : list Additional inputs outside the sandbox needed to process the workflow. unique_arguments : list A list of arguments. Each element of the dataset is processed once for each argument in this list. The unique argument is also passed to the executable. outputs : list A list of strings which specifies the files produced by the workflow. If `outputs=[]`, no output files will be returned. If `outputs=None`, outputs will be automatically determined for CMSSW workflows. output_format : str How the output files should be renamed on the storage element. This is a new-style format string, allowing for the fields `base`, `id`, and `ext`, for the basename of the output file, the ID of the task, and the extension of the output file. local : bool If set to `True`, Lobster will assume this workflow's input is present on the output storage element. globaltag : str Which GlobalTag this workflow uses. Needed for publication of CMSSW workflows, and can be automatically determined for these. merge_command : str Accepts `cmsRun` (the default), or a custom command. Tells Lobster what command to use for merging. If outputs are autodetermined (`outputs=None`), `cmsRun` will be used for EDM output and `hadd` will be used otherwise. When merging plain ROOT files the following should be used:: merge_command="hadd @outputfiles @inputfiles" See the specification for the `command` parameter about passing input and output file values. """ _mutable = {} def __init__(self, label, dataset, command, category=Category('default', mode='fixed'), publish_label=None, cleanup_input=False, merge_size=-1, sandbox=None, unique_arguments=None, extra_inputs=None, outputs=None, output_format="{base}_{id}.{ext}", local=False, globaltag=None, merge_command='cmsRun'): self.label = label if not re.match(r'^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*$', label): raise ValueError("Workflow label contains illegal characters: {}".format(label)) self.category = category self.dataset = dataset self.publish_label = publish_label if publish_label else label self.merge_size = self.__check_merge(merge_size) self.cleanup_input = cleanup_input self.arguments = shlex.split(command) self.command = self.arguments.pop(0) self.pset = None if self.command == 'cmsRun': self.pset = self.arguments.pop(0) self.extra_inputs = extra_inputs if extra_inputs else [] if unique_arguments: if any(x is None for x in unique_arguments): raise ValueError("Unique arguments should not be None") self.unique_arguments = unique_arguments else: self.unique_arguments = [None] self.outputs = outputs self.output_format = output_format self.dependents = [] self.parent = None if hasattr(dataset, 'parent'): self.parent = dataset.parent self.globaltag = globaltag self.local = local or hasattr(dataset, 'files') self.merge_args = shlex.split(merge_command) self.merge_command = self.merge_args.pop(0) from lobster.cmssw.sandbox import Sandbox self.sandbox = sandbox or Sandbox() def __repr__(self): override = {'category': 'category_' +} return Configurable.__repr__(self, override) def __check_merge(self, size): if size <= 0: return size orig = size if isinstance(size, basestring): unit = size[-1].lower() try: size = float(size[:-1]) if unit == 'k': size *= 1000 elif unit == 'm': size *= 1e6 elif unit == 'g': size *= 1e9 else: size = -1 except ValueError: size = -1 if size > 0:'merging outputs up to {0} bytes'.format(size)) else: logger.error('merging disabled due to malformed size {0}'.format(orig)) return size def register(self, wflow): """Add the workflow `wflow` to the dependents. """"marking {0} to be downstream of {1}".format(wflow.label, self.label)) if len(self.outputs) != 1: raise NotImplementedError("dependents for {0} output files not yet supported".format(len(self.outputs))) self.dependents.append(wflow) def family(self): """Returns a flattened hierarchy tree """ yield self for d in self.dependents: for member in yield member def copy_inputs(self, basedirs, overwrite=False): """Make a copy of extra input files. Includes CMSSW parameter set if specified. Already present files will not be overwritten unless specified. """ if not os.path.exists(self.workdir): os.makedirs(self.workdir) if self.pset: shutil.copy(util.findpath(basedirs, self.pset), os.path.join(self.workdir, os.path.basename(self.pset))) if self.extra_inputs is None: return [] def copy_file(fn): source = os.path.abspath(util.findpath(basedirs, fn)) target = os.path.join(self.workdir, os.path.basename(fn)) if not os.path.exists(target) or overwrite: if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(target)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(target)) logger.debug("copying '{0}' to '{1}'".format(source, target)) if os.path.isfile(source): shutil.copy(source, target) elif os.path.isdir(source): shutil.copytree(source, target) else: logger.error("no such file or directory: {}".format(source)) sys.exit(1) return target files = map(copy_file, self.extra_inputs) self.extra_inputs = files def determine_outputs(self, basedirs): """Determine output files for CMSSW tasks. """ self.outputs = [] # To avoid problems loading configs that use the VarParsing module sys.argv = [os.path.basename(self.pset)] + self.arguments with open(util.findpath(basedirs, self.pset), 'r') as f: source = imp.load_source('cms_config_source', self.pset, f) process = source.process for label, module in process.outputModules.items(): self.outputs.append(module.fileName.value().replace('file:', '')) if 'TFileService' in self.outputs.append(['TFileService'].fileName.value().replace('file:', '')) self.merge_command = 'hadd' self.merge_args = ['@outputfiles', '@inputfiles']"workflow {0}: adding output file(s) '{1}'".format(self.label, ', '.join(self.outputs))) def determine_globaltag(self, basedirs): sys.argv = [os.path.basename(self.pset)] + self.arguments with open(util.findpath(basedirs, self.pset), 'r') as f: source = imp.load_source('cms_config_source', self.pset, f) process = source.process if hasattr(process, 'GlobalTag') and hasattr(process.GlobalTag.globaltag, 'value'): self.globaltag = process.GlobalTag.globaltag.value() def validate(self): with fs.alternative(): if not self.dataset.validate(): msg = "cannot validate configuration for dataset of workflow '{0}'" raise AttributeError(msg.format(self.label)) if fs.exists(self.label) and len(list( > 0: msg = "stageout directory for '{0}' is not empty" raise IOError(msg.format(self.label)) else: # try to create the stageout directory. if this fails, the # user does not have access... try: fs.makedirs(self.label) except Exception: msg = "failed to create stageout directory for '{0}'" raise IOError(msg.format(self.label)) def setup(self, workdir, basedirs): self.workdir = os.path.join(workdir, self.label) if hasattr(self.sandbox, '__iter__'): boxes = self.sandbox else: boxes = [self.sandbox] versions = set() archs = set() self.sandboxes = [] for box in boxes: version, arch, sandbox = box.package(basedirs, workdir) versions.add(version) if arch in archs: raise ValueError("More than one sandbox supplied for the same architecture!") archs.add(arch) self.sandboxes.append(sandbox) if len(versions) > 1: raise ValueError("More than one CMSSW version specified!") self.version = versions.pop() self.copy_inputs(basedirs) if self.pset and self.outputs is None: self.determine_outputs(basedirs) if self.pset and self.globaltag is None: self.determine_globaltag(basedirs) # Working directory for workflow # TODO Should we really check if this already exists? IMO that # constitutes an error, since we really should create the workflow! if not os.path.exists(self.workdir): os.makedirs(self.workdir) def handler(self, id_, files, lumis, taskdir, merge=False): if merge: return MergeTaskHandler(id_, self.label, files, lumis, list(self.get_outputs(id_)), taskdir) elif isinstance(self.dataset, MultiProductionDataset) or isinstance(self.dataset, ParentMultiGridpackDataset): return MultiProductionTaskHandler(id_, self.label, files, lumis, list(self.get_outputs(id_)), taskdir) elif isinstance(self.dataset, ProductionDataset) or isinstance(self.dataset, EmptyDataset): return ProductionTaskHandler(id_, self.label, lumis, list(self.get_outputs(id_)), taskdir) elif isinstance(self.dataset, MultiGridpackDataset): return MultiGridpackTaskHandler( id_, self.label, files, lumis, list(self.get_outputs(id_)), taskdir, self.dataset.lumis_per_gridpack) else: return TaskHandler(id_, self.label, files, lumis, list(self.get_outputs(id_)), taskdir, local=self.local) def get_outputs(self, id): for fn in self.outputs: base, ext = os.path.splitext(fn) outfn = self.output_format.format(base=base, ext=ext[1:], id=id) yield fn, os.path.join(self.label, outfn) def adjust(self, params, env, taskdir, inputs, outputs, merge, reports=None, unique=None): cmd = self.command args = self.arguments[:] pset = os.path.basename(self.pset) if self.pset else self.pset env['LOBSTER_CMSSW_VERSION'] = self.version for box in self.sandboxes: # Remove the hash from the sandbox name cleaned = os.path.basename(box).rsplit('-', 1)[0] + '.tar.bz2' inputs.append((box, cleaned, True)) if merge: inputs.append((os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data', ''), '', True)) inputs.append((os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data', ''), '', True)) inputs.extend((r, "_".join(os.path.normpath(r).split(os.sep)[-3:]), False) for r in reports) cmd = self.merge_command if cmd == 'cmsRun': args = ['outputFile=' + self.outputs[0]] pset = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data', '') else: args = self.merge_args if cmd == 'hadd': args = ['-n', '0', '-f'] + args else: inputs.extend((i, os.path.basename(i), True) for i in self.extra_inputs) pset = None params['prologue'] = None params['epilogue'] = ['python', '', 'report.json'] \ + ["_".join(os.path.normpath(r).split(os.sep)[-3:]) for r in reports] else: inputs.extend((i, os.path.basename(i), True) for i in self.extra_inputs) if unique: params['arguments_unique'] = shlex.split(unique) if pset: pset = os.path.join(self.workdir, pset) if self.category.runtime: # cap task runtime at desired runtime (CMSSW 7.4 and higher # only) params['task runtime'] = self.category.runtime params['cores'] = self.category.cores if pset: inputs.append((pset, os.path.basename(pset), True)) outputs.append((os.path.join(taskdir, 'report.xml.gz'), 'report.xml.gz')) params['pset'] = os.path.basename(pset) elif '@args' not in args and '@inputfiles' not in args and '@outputfiles' not in args: params['append inputs to args'] = True params['executable'] = cmd params['arguments'] = args if isinstance(self.dataset, ProductionDataset) and not merge: params['mask']['events per lumi'] = self.dataset.events_per_lumi params['randomize seeds'] = self.dataset.randomize_seeds else: params['mask']['events'] = -1