Source code for lobster.core.config

import datetime
import getpass
import os
import pickle

from lobster.core.workflow import Category
from lobster.util import Configurable

class Items(object):

    Collection similar to `namedtuple`, but can be pickled.

        args : list
            List of objects the collection should contain
        key : function
            Function to obtain the key of an object in the collection

    def __init__(self, args, key=None):
        for arg in args:
            attr = key(arg) if key else arg
            if attr in self.__dict__:
                raise AttributeError("Attribute already defined: {}".format(attr))
            setattr(self, attr, arg)
        self.__sequence = args

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.__sequence)

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.__sequence)

    def __getitem__(self, n):
        return self.__sequence[n]

    def __repr__(self):
        if len(self.__sequence) == 0:
            return '[]'

        def indent(text):
            lines = text.splitlines()
            if len(lines) <= 1:
                return text
            return "\n".join("    " + l for l in lines).strip()
        return '[\n    {}\n]'.format(',\n    '.join(indent(repr(e)) for e in self.__sequence))

[docs]class Config(Configurable): """ Top-level Lobster configuration object This configuration object will fully specify a Lobster project, including several :class:`~lobster.core.workflow.Workflow` instances and a :class:``. Parameters ---------- workdir : str The working directory to be used for the project. Note that this should be on a local filesystem to avoid problems with the database. storage : StorageConfiguration The configuration for the storage element for output and input files. workflows : list A list of :class:`~lobster.core.workflow.Workflow` to process. label : str A string to identify this project by. This will be used in the CMS dashboard, where it appears as ``lobster_<user>_<label>_<hash>``, and in conjunction with `WorkQueue`, where the project will be referred to as ``lobster_<user>_<label>``. The default is the date in the format `YYYYmmdd`. advanced : AdvancedOptions More options for advanced users. plotdir : str A directory to store monitoring pages in. foremen_logs : list A list of :class:`str` pointing to the `WorkQueue` foremen logs. """ _mutable = {} def __init__(self, workdir, storage, workflows, label=None, advanced=None, plotdir=None, foremen_logs=None, base_directory=None, base_configuration=None, startup_directory=None, elk=None): """ Top-level configuration object for Lobster """ self.label = '{}_{}'.format( getpass.getuser(), label or'%Y%m%d') ) self.workdir = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(workdir)) if plotdir is not None: self.plotdir = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(plotdir)) else: self.plotdir = None self.foremen_logs = foremen_logs = storage self.workflows = Items(workflows, key=lambda w: w.label) self.advanced = advanced if advanced else AdvancedOptions() self.elk = elk cats = list(set([w.category for w in workflows])) + [Category(name='merge', cores=1)] self.categories = Items(cats, key=lambda c: self.base_directory = base_directory self.base_configuration = base_configuration self.startup_directory = startup_directory def __repr__(self): s = "from lobster import cmssw\nfrom lobster.core import *\n\n" for cat in self.categories: if == 'merge': continue s += "category_{} = {}\n\n".format(, repr(cat)) for wflow in self.workflows: s += "workflow_{} = {}\n\n".format(wflow.label, repr(wflow)) override = {'workflows': '[{}]'.format( ', '.join(['workflow_' + w.label for w in self.workflows]))} s += "config = " + Configurable.__repr__(self, override) return s @classmethod def load(cls, path): try: with open(os.path.join(path, 'config.pkl'), 'rb') as f: cfg = pickle.load(f) return cfg except IOError as e: print e raise IOError("can't load configuration from {0}".format( os.path.join(path, 'config.pkl'))) def save(self): with open(os.path.join(self.workdir, 'config.pkl'), 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(self, f)
[docs]class AdvancedOptions(Configurable): """ Advanced options for tuning Lobster Attributes modifiable at runtime: * `payload` * `threshold_for_failure` * `threshold_for_skipping` Parameters ---------- abort_threshold : int After how many successful tasks outliers in runtime should be killed. abort_multiplier : int How many standard deviations a task is allowed to go over the average task runtime. bad_exit_codes : list A list of exit codes that are considered to come from bad workers. As soon as a task returns with an exit code from this list, the worker it ran on will be blacklisted and no more tasks send to it. dashboard : :class:`~lobster.cmssw.Dashboard` Use the CMS dashboard to report task status. Set or `False` to disable. dump_core : bool Produce core dumps. Useful to debug `WorkQueue`. email : str The email address you want to receive emails from Lobster. full_monitoring : bool Produce full monitoring output. Useful to debug `WorkQueue`. log_level : int How much logging output to show. Goes from 1 to 5, where 1 is the most verbose (including a lot of debug output), and 5 is practically quiet. osg_version : str The version of OSG you want lobster to run on. payload : int How many tasks to keep in the queue (minimum). Note that the payload will increase with the number of cores available to Lobster. This is just the minimum with no workers connected. proxy : :class:`~lobster.cmssw.Proxy` An authentication mechanism to access data. Set to `False` to disable. threshold_for_failure : int How often a single unit may fail to be processed before Lobster will not attempt to process it any longer. threshold_for_skipping : int How often a single file may fail to be accessed before Lobster will not attempt to process it any longer. wq_max_retries : int How often `WorkQueue` will attempt to process a task before handing it back to Lobster. `WorkQueue` will only reprocess evicted tasks automatically. wq_port : int WorkQueue Master port number. Defaults to -1 to look for an available port. xrootd_servers : list A list of xrootd servers to use to access remote data. Defaults to ``. """ _mutable = { 'bad_exit_codes': (None, [], False), 'payload': (None, [], False), 'threshold_for_failure': ('source.update_stuck', [], False), 'threshold_for_skipping': ('source.update_stuck', [], False), 'xrootd_servers': ('source.copy_siteconf', [], False) } def __init__(self, abort_threshold=10, abort_multiplier=4, bad_exit_codes=None, dashboard=None, dump_core=False, email=None, full_monitoring=False, log_level=2, osg_version=None, payload=10, proxy=None, threshold_for_failure=30, threshold_for_skipping=30, wq_max_retries=10, wq_port=-1, xrootd_servers=None): from lobster import cmssw self.osg_version = osg_version if not osg_version: osg_location = os.environ.get("OSG_LOCATION") if not osg_location: raise AttributeError("No OSG version specified or in the environment.") self.osg_version = osg_location.rsplit('/', 3)[1] self.abort_threshold = abort_threshold self.abort_multiplier = abort_multiplier self.bad_exit_codes = bad_exit_codes if bad_exit_codes else [169] self.dashboard = dashboard if dashboard is None: self.dashboard = cmssw.Dashboard() elif not dashboard: self.dashboard = cmssw.Monitor() self.dump_core = dump_core = email self.full_monitoring = full_monitoring self.log_level = log_level self.payload = payload self.proxy = proxy if proxy is not None else cmssw.Proxy() self.threshold_for_failure = threshold_for_failure self.threshold_for_skipping = threshold_for_skipping self.wq_max_retries = wq_max_retries self.wq_port = wq_port self.xrootd_servers = xrootd_servers if xrootd_servers else ['']